Saigon Protest

A disabled Vietnamese veteran protests the lack of benefits in Saigon in front of the Veteran’s Ministry. This is one of the photos from David Hume Kennerly’s portfolio that won the 1972 Pulitzer Prize in Journalism for Feature Photography.

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Buffalo Boys

Even with heavy fighting nearby, two young Cambodian boys tend their water buffalo, December 4, 1971. This is one of the photos from David Hume Kennerly’s portfolio that won the 1972 Pulitzer Prize in Journalism for Feature Photography.

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Lethal Crown

A South Vietnamese airborne paratrooper with a band of bullets circling his helmet on Highway 13, 40 miles north of Saigon. This was the site of the South Vietnamese field command post for the 6th paratrooper battalion in their counter-attack against Communist forces pushing into nearby An Loc and had swept to within 34 miles…

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Photog Under Fire

Portfolio insert 11″x14″ print of David Hume Kennerly in an intense firefight along Highway 13 the day after he won the Pulitzer Prize. Photo by Dirck Halstead.

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East Pakistani Refugees

A father and his son huddle inside a tent at an Indian refugee camp. They are two of the millions who fled into India to escape East Pakistani troops. This is one of the photos from David Hume Kennerly’s portfolio that won the 1972 Pulitzer Prize in Journalism for Feature Photography.

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Robert Kennedy at Labor Hall

Sen. Robert F. Kennedy during a speech at a Labor Hall where he campaigned on behalf of Oregon Congressional candidates. October 24, 1966. This image was a defining moment in Kennerly’s journalism career. “Periodically national stories landed on my doorstep. One such time was when Senator Robert Kennedy came to town in 1966. Traveling with…

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Lone Soldier

An American GI from the 101st Airborne Division makes his way across a hillside near Firebase Gladiator on the rim of Vietnam’a A Shau Valley. The Pulitzer committee described this image as showing, “the loneliness and desolation of war”.

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East Pakistani Refugees

A father and his son huddle inside a tent at an Indian refugee camp. They are two of the millions who fled into India to escape East Pakistani troops.

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LZ Lonely

A tattered American flag flies over the U.S. landing zone, LZ Lonely, south of Pleiku in Vietnam’s Central Highlands.

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RFK at The Ambassador Hotel

Robert Kennedy in his Ambassador Hotel suite after winning the California Primary. He was being interviewed by ABC correspondent Sander Vanocur minutes before he was to address an enthusiastic crowd of supporters in the hotel ballroom. After his speech, as he made his way through the hotel’s kitchen, Robert Kennedy was assassinated. June 6, 1968

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LZ Lonely (color)

LZ Lonely in the Central Highlands. This is the only color photograph included in the portfolio submitted to the Pulitzer committee.

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Saigon Protest

Having removed his artificial leg, a disabled Vietnamese veteran, protests the lack of benefits while sitting in the middle of a busy boulevard facing a government building.

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Bob Hope Golfing

Bob Hope making a funny face while out golfing. He was there playing with Vice President Gerald R Ford. April of 1974

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Wounded Soldiers

Wounded Vietnamese soldiers huddle in a helicopter awaiting evacuation after a Communist rocket attack at Firebase 6 in the Central Highlands.

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Betty Ford on the Cabinet Room Table

First Lady Betty Ford strikes a playful pose on the Cabinet Room table, January 19, 1977, the day before leaving the White House and the inauguration of President Jimmy Carter. Mrs. Ford, a former Martha Graham dancer, was a strong advocate for women’s rights. On this day, she had been making her way through the…

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Ford and Reagan at the Century Plaza Hotel

President Gerald R. Ford meets with California Governor Ronald Reagan before a Republican fundraiser at the Century Plaza Hotel, October 31, 1974. The two were never close. Reagan would go on to unsuccessfully challenge Ford for the Republican Presidential nomination in 1976.

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Modern Pharaoh

Egyptian President Anwar Sadat stands in profile before the Pyramids of Giza. This image was published as the lead inside spread in Time Magazine’s January 2, 1978 Man of the Year story that featured President Sadat. It was also published in Kennerly’s 1995 book, Photo Op. “I envisioned a bigger-than-life location for this magnificant man…

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Ali v. Frazier Fight

Muhammad Ali is decked by Joe Frazier in the 15th round of their World Championship fight. Frazier won “The Fight of the Century” in a unanimous decision.

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Five Presidents, Reagan Library Dedication

President George H.W. Bush and Former Presidents Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald R. Ford, and Richard Nixon at the Reagan Library dedication in Simi Valley, California, November 4, 1991. Kennerly made a calculated choice to position himself to the side of the presidents at the dedication ceremony instead of in front where most of the…

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Laser Engraving

A detail of laser-etching on the verso of each print – includes an edition number, the name of the portfolio, and a description of the individual image.

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President Ford and Pipe

President Gerald R. Ford smoking his pipe, February 7, 1976. This image was also featured on the front jacket and inside Kennerly’s 2007 book, Extraordindary Circumstances.

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Soviet Leader Leonid Brezhnev smoking a cigarette during a summit meeting at the Helsinki Conference. August 1, 1975.

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Brezhnev Profile

Soviet Leader Leonid Brezhnev smoking a cigarette during a summit meeting at the Helsinki Conference. August 1, 1975. Side View.

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Kissinger and Geisha

U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger with a Geisha at state dinner for President Gerald R. Ford hosted by the Japanese Prime Minister in Kyoto, November 21, 1974.

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